Doll House Texture Pack

Doll House Texture Pack is a texture pack with 16×16 pixels of revolution which is a simple one. This resolution is the default size of Minecraft. The texture pack is already updated with the latest Minecraft version, Minecraft 1.2.5. The Doll House Texture Pack is also a simple way of playing Minecraft.

This pack is meant to be easy on the eyes and can be tested out with the Minecraft alt generator easily, outfitted with all sorts of modern conveniences like coffee pots, oven, etc. It is also meant to be a cheerful pack. Until now, this Doll House Texture Pack is not yet completed. It is 80% completed now but this pack is listed as people’s must wait pack to improve their play.

Dollhouse texture pack Minecraft 1.2.5 – What is Doll House Texture Pack?

Doll House Texture Pack is made by steel feather creator which is popular and has made some other texture packs. Those other texture packs are a higher definition like the 32×32, 64×64, and higher than that which you may ever hear or use before. It is said the creator of this texture pack made it for the competition just in three hours.

He said that on the texture pack he spent more than three hours but on the computer placing pixels for the pack, he spent only three hours in a day working in front of the computer. With this dollhouse texture pack, the feather does a great job.

Dollhouse texture pack Minecraft 1.2.5 – Doll House Texture Pack Installation

If you want to install the Minecraft 1.2.5 dollhouse texture pack, as usual, you only need a dollhouse texture pack download first. Next, open the .minecraft folder and open your available folder of a texture pack. Then place it into its dollhouse texture pack zip, so you can start enjoying it. Download the Doll House Texture Pack now and be amazed by the improvement!

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