Functions of Vitamin B6 in the Body

Vitamin B6 is used by the body for many functions, including uses with metabolism, the nervous system and and oxygen transport in the blood. Vitamin B6 is commonly seen labeled as Pyridoxal Phosphate (PLP) and Pyridoxine on food and supplements. While there are many names for Vitamin B6, each chemical provides the same functionality inside the body.

The signature function of Vitamin B6 and the one that caused it’s discovery is it’s critical role in amino acid metabolism. The presence of Vitamin B6 is required for the activation of over one hundred enzymes that are involved with the usage of protein as an energy source. Aside from amino acids, Vitamin acid is also important for the creation of energy within the body because of it’s role in the release of glucose from storage in glycogen.

Vitamin B6 is also important to the body because it is required for the synthesis of many neurotransmitters including serotonin, epinephrine and dopamine along with histamine. It is the lack of these chemicals that causes many of the neurological symptoms of a Vitamin B6 deficiency.

The other major function of Vitamin B6 is its important role with hemoglobin and oxygen transport. Vitamin B6 is used in two very different ways that both have an impact on your bodies ability to transport oxygen to cells. First, Vitamin B6 is used by the body to create hemoglobin, which is used inside red blood cells to carry oxygen. Once the hemoglobin is created, the body also later uses Vitamin B6 to increase the effectiveness of the oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells.

Vitamin B6 is also used in a few other areas including gene expression and balancing the amount of sodium and potassium in the body. Vitamin B6 is also necessary for the body to produce Vitamin B3, so a lack of one vitamin could cause multiple deficiencies.

Vitamin B6 is found in highest quantities in meat, fish and poultry, but is also found in dairy products, whole grains, nuts, and certain vegetables. A deficiency is rarely seen with Vitamin B6, but can occur in the Elderly, alcoholics or individuals on long-term antibiotics because of problems with nutrient absorption in the small intestines. The most common symptoms of a Vitamin B6 deficiency are cracks and sores on the lips, tongue and gums as well as possible nervous system conditions like seizures or numbness in the extremities.

They may not show up at the correct time as it depends from person to person and how strong his immune system is for the symptoms to fully manifest into being but Vitamin B6 has to be taken with measures doses and easily purchased on discount vitamins online.

Vitamin B6 is used by the body in many places including the metabolism of protein and the release of glucose from glycogen, both necessary for energy production in the body. The body also uses Vitamin B6 to produce a large number of other chemicals including neurotransmitters, histamine, hemoglobin and even other vitamins. Vitamin B6 is easy to get in a normal diet and deficiency are rarely seen.

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